Sunday Worship February 2, 2025
Worship & Building Access Notes
- Our church building is handicapped accessible, and several parking spaces are reserved for close access to our building access and ramp to avoid climbing stairs. You can enter the sanctuary without using stairs from front entrance or parking lot entrance.
- An AED (automated external defibrillator) is available in the lobby off of our parking lot..
- A wheelchair is available for emergency use. See ushers for assistance.
- An assisted learning system is available for those who need it during worship services. Pick up your own radio in ushers room so you can listen to the service.
- As an extension of hospitality, please refrain from, or minimize, the use of fragrances so those with allergic sensitivities, will be able to worship in comfort.
Our ushers are available to assist in addressing your questions on locations of specific activities or areas.within our church campus, and are eager to provide you with reference materials about our church.
If you are looking for a new church home and would like to set up an appointment to meet with Pastor Gary Sheffield-James to learn more about the church, see her after the services or fill out a visitors card and place it in the offering plate and Pastor Gary will contact you.
Monthly Mission Opportunities
Casserole Sunday: Our church has committed to provide casseroles once a month for Our Daily Bread, an organization located in Baltimore City that provides meals every day of the year for those in need to help prevent hunger. If you would like to help out, bring your frozen or fresh casseroles to our church kitchen (place in freezer) the last Sunday of each month, or any Sunday you would like to help. We will see they are delivered along with food from other churches in our community.
Food Sunday: The second Sunday of every month is Food Sunday, We collect non-perishable food items for delivery to the Community Crisis Center that serves surrounding communities of Glyndon, Reisterstown, and Owings Mills, helping those in need during difficult times. Bring your donated items to our church and place them in labeled totes and baskets located in our lobby as our congregation prays for those receiving these gestures of Christian love and support.
Food Sunday: The second Sunday of every month is Food Sunday, We collect non-perishable food items for delivery to the Community Crisis Center that serves surrounding communities of Glyndon, Reisterstown, and Owings Mills, helping those in need during difficult times. Bring your donated items to our church and place them in labeled totes and baskets located in our lobby as our congregation prays for those receiving these gestures of Christian love and support.
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