VBClub 2020- “Grit and Grace”

Unfortunately it is not yet safe for us to do VBS in the building this year. We will be saving “Knights of North Castle” for summer 2021, and this year, we will be doing VBClub.
VBClub is Virtual. VBClub is part VBS…. AND VBClub is one part book club.
VBS + Book Club = VBClub! I am excited for this opportunity to get to know our families in a different way!
We will meet on Wednesday mornings this summer via Google Meets where we will be learning about Heroic Women in the Bible based off the books Grit and Grace and Gritty and Graceful. We still have music and art and science and lots of fun! However, in a book club setting, we will also have the opportunity to read a book, ask questions, discuss, and build friendships that will last all summer and hopefully beyond!
**Our Prek- 2nd graders will meet from 10:00-10:45 every Wednesday morning.
**Our 3rd-6th graders will meet from 11:00-12:00 every Wednesday morning.
If your family has a child in both ages, you may choose to do one or the other or you may choose to sign your kiddos up for separate meetings…. We’re flexible!!!
What do I need to participate?! You will only need a computer or device that can run google meets, a table for your activities, and a space for you to get up and dance!
Everything else will be provided for you. You will not need the books, but If you sign up to participate, every 3 weeks, you will receive a bag full of all the necessary supplies for the activities we will be doing. More information on that will come out soon!
Just because we're leaning about "Heroic Women in the Bible", does not mean this is just of girls! Our VBClub is for EVERYONE! The people we will meet in the Bible are heroes that are so relevant to our lives today. They are fierce and courageous. They are faithful and inspiring. They are strong and obedient! Each week, we will learn about a new Hero and each week there will be a new theme or lesson! These are all important and relevant to everyone!!!
Here’s our schedule:
June 24- Eve- We are made in the image of God
July 1- Hagar- God sees me, God sees everyone
July 8- Miriam- Even if you're small, you can be used by God
July 15- Rahab- We are all a part of God's story
July 22- Naomi and Ruth- Doing the right thing takes sacrifice
July 29- Esther- Stand up for what is right
August 5- Mary- Say "Yes!" to God!
August 12- The Samaritan Woman- Jesus loves everyone!
August 19- Mary Magdalene- Jesus calls each of us.
For more information, feel free to email Terri at [email protected]
Volunteers- We still need lots of help! Please consider signing up to lead an activity or share a prayer.
Donations needed- You may also choose to donate some items. All of these items will go directly to the children so they are easily able to participate. Items on the amazon wishlist will be shipped directly to Terri to prepare for the children's kits. You may also choose to shop for an item and drop it off at church. Please email Terri with any questions!
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